President’s Welcome 2022

Greetings!  I hope you are all doing well and 2022 is off to a great start. What an honor it is to serve as the 24th President of the NPEA Board of Directors!  I attended my first NPEA Conference in New Orleans in 2002 and our beloved Dave Daly served in the role of president. It’s hard to believe almost 20 years has passed since my first conference, but it’s truly been an experience I will remember for many years to come.

After two years of challenges and uncertainties in many of our personal and professional lives, I am hopeful for what 2022 may bring to each of you and your systems. Sadly, we have lost friends and family (even members of our NPEA family) to this crazy virus. We have all had to make adjustments to keep ourselves and our families safe. It’s time to move forward and get back to some normalcy in our lives and I sincerely hope 2022 is the year we can do so.

Like many of you, my organization is transitioning back to the office and slowly opening up services for in-person visits from our members. The NPEA Board is also ready to make the transition back to an in-person conference this year in Seattle, Washington. I can assure you that we will take every precaution to ensure safety protocols are in place.  We look forward to seeing you all there!

In other NPEA news, we are excited to welcome Jonathan Osimo as our newest board member. Jon has been a familiar face at NPEA for several years and I am confident he will bring extreme value to the Board.

Take care and I hope 2022 brings wonderful things for each of you!

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