Barbie Pearson

Barbie Pearson has been with the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) since September of 1986. As Chief Benefit Officer for TRS, Ms. Pearson oversees the Benefit Services Division. She directs the administration and processing of TRS pension plan benefits including service and disability retirements, service credit purchase, beneficiary claims, and refunds for over 2 million members, beneficiaries, and annuitants. She oversees benefit counseling operations including the Contact center with a volume of over 800,000 calls per year and over 42,000 email responses, El Paso Regional Office, Benefit Processing, Benefit Payments, and Employer Reporting.  Combined the teams process over 1B dollars a month in payments for retirees and beneficiaries and more than 1M transactions annually.   She is a member of the Executive Project Oversite Committee (EPOC) that provides executive leadership and strategic direction for the TRS Project Governance model. In addition, she serves on the Executive Council, Enterprise Leadership Team, and the Risk Oversight Committee.  Ms. Pearson is a Certified Retirement Counselor (CRC) and a Certified Public Manager (CPM).  She is serving on the NPEA Board of Directors in the Past President Role after serving as the President for the past 2 years.  Ms. Pearson is in her second year serving on the Board of Directors for the Southwest Benefits Association.


Term ends December 31, 2026