Past Speakers

Cindy Crescenzo

Crescenzo Communications

Cindy Crescenzo speaks at corporate communication workshops and conferences all over the world. She has over 15 years of experience in research, measurement and communication planning. Her true passion is showing communicators the power of listening through focus groups, surveys and executive interviews.

By presenting real-life case studies, Cindy demonstrates how communicators can get the ammunition they need to create successful communication strategies, use new communication tools and methods, be more creative, and breathe new life into their careers – all while delivering measurable results.

She has led sessions or workshops in Italy, Denmark, London, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all over United States of America. She’s worked with dozens of organizations and associations including The International Association of Business Communicators, the National Association of Government Communicators, the Professional Insurance Communications Association, the Public Relations Society of America, Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, the Professional Association of Investment Communicators, European Training Foundation, National Pension Education Association and dozens of other smaller associations and groups.

In 2009 Cindy, along with her business partner, husband and leading corporate communications trainer and consultant, Steve Crescenzo, created their popular workshop, Strategic Creative Communications. They’ve taught this often sold-out workshop to thousands of communicators all over the globe.