Endless Adventures at the 2019 Annual Conference

Wow. What a time we had at the 2019 Annual Conference in beautiful Naples, FL. A big thanks to our attendees, speakers and vendors for their participation.For those of you that attended and those that didn’t, here are a few reminders of this year’s conference: This year we had 150 total registered attendees, representing 65 systems.

Wow. What a time we had at the 2019 Annual Conference in beautiful Naples, FL. A big thanks to our attendees, speakers and vendors for their participation.

For those of you that attended and those that didn’t, here are a few reminders of this year’s conference:

  • This year we had 150 total registered attendees, representing 65 systems. This is the second highest attendance rate on record.
  • We also welcomed 54 first time attendees! We hope to see all of you back next year in Seattle, Washington.
  • While everyone enjoyed the sun and the sand, Naples was experiencing a red tide, which had its effects on attendees in various ways.
  • Attendees listened, laughed and shared throughout the course of the entire event, after all that is what the conference is all about!
  • The NPEA Board announced the addition of a quarterly webinar series, NPEA Idea Exchange, as another value-add opportunity for the membership. Watch for more details to come.
  • Chad Carden of the Carden Group started things off by sharing why he feels Half the World’s on Acid and we all got acquainted with how often we really do have squirrel moments.
  • We heard great statistics and insights about the challenges Americans face today when it comes to retirement security and how retirement systems play a positive role, thanks to presentations from Dan Doonan (NIRS) and Josh Gotbaum (Brookings Institute).
  • Diana Lowe spoke on social and emotional intelligence, helping attendees to understand how to have productive conversations with their members and staff.
  • Paul Malley made everyone stop and think about end of life choices and what the Five Wishes program can offer.
  • NPEA members, Lisa Scott and Jeff Pabst shared their passion and ideas when it comes to marketing and communicating with various audiences.
  • Robert Klausner via video and Tom Lussier once again brought everyone up to speed on the latest legal and legislative news facing the industry.

Husband and wife team, Cindy and Steve Crescenzo finished the conference off with tips on how to measure our communication and how to tell the great stories of our members.

NPEA is all about learning, sharing and growing. This year’s conference provided every opportunity to do just that!

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