
Jonathan Osimo

Jonathan Osimo is the Assistant Executive Director of Member Services for the Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement System (MTRS) in Boston, Massachusetts. The MTRS provides retirement, disability, and survivor benefits for educators of public school districts in Massachusetts and administers a public-defined benefit pension plan for more than 200,000 active, inactive, and retired members.

 Jonathan joined the MTRS in 1997 as a retirement counselor, focusing on benefit calculations, benefit counseling, and educational seminars.  As of 2015, in his current role, Jonathan oversees four agency departments within the member and employer services division, which is responsible for benefits administration, service credit purchases, member education, and deduction reporting.

 Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree from Nichols College and lives in Sturbridge, MA with his wife and two children.  He has been involved with NPEA since 2000 and was elected to the Board of directors in 2021.


Term ends December 31, 2026