Proof of Life Process

First : Jan
Last : Hawkins

System or Organization: Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System

Topic: Proof of Life Process

Your Question/Comment:

1.) Does your pension system have a “Proof of Life” process in place? Can you please tell us about your process?
At what payee age do you start sending the Proof of Life letters? (Age 85, 90, 95, etc.)
How often do you have “Proof of Life” confirmed? Every year after a certain age? Every 2 years?
How long do you give payees to reply? What options do they have to reply/respond? (phone call, email, returned form/letter)
How many letters do you send to the payee before you stop paying benefits?

2) If your system previously had a “Proof of Life” process but has discontinued it, can you please explain why the process was stopped?

Email Address: [email protected]


Note: NPEA respectfully requests respondents share as much as they can via the blog so everyone can learn from those experiences. If an issue is overly technical, we would greatly appreciate respondents who are willing to be contacted include their contact information with their blog post. Thank you.

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