Roll Conference Submission

The Annual Conference is less than two months away! One of the most valuable experiences from the conference is the System Roll Call book, which provides great opportunities for learning from others and networking.

Don't reinvent the wheel. Take this opportunity to get ahead on that impossible project by learning how others have already done it. Even if you are unable to attend the conference this year, we welcome your roll call submission to share what is happening at your system. This invaluable collaboration can only occur if everyone participates.

Click here for the Word document to complete your system's roll call submission.

Please send your completed submission to [email protected] no later than Friday, September 21, 2018

The completed Roll Call submissions will be compiled and emailed to each conference participant prior to the event. It will also be available in the Members Only area of the website after the conference.

Questions? Please contact Barbie Pearson at [email protected] or (512) 542-6731.

Thank you!

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