Serving on the NPEA Board of Directors
Serving on the NPEA Board of Directors can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. It comes, however, with responsibilities, duties and commitments that are essential to achieving NPEA’s mission of promoting and expanding retirement education programs and communication initiatives for public employees across the country.
Would You Like to Serve on the NPEA Board?
We will have a board vacancy beginning January 2025. If you are interested in serving as a NPEA Board member, please submit a cover letter, resume and letter of support from your system’s leadership by September 13. Information can be sent to NPEA Executive Director Ronda Peterson at [email protected].
Feel free to reach out to any of the current board members if you have questions about serving on the board. We are happy to share our experience.
Board Member Responsibilities
Because the board plays such a vital role in NPEA, individual members must fulfill certain obligations, including:
- Supporting the mission of NPEA and working to implement its goals.
- Building relationships with NPEA members.
- Demonstrating a willingness to work as part of a team.
- Traveling to and participating in at least two board meetings per year.
- Actively participating in the planning, organization, and implementation of the annual conference, including arriving the day before the conference to meet with hotel staff regarding final arrangements.
- Participating in conference calls when required.
- Taking on board officer duties, such as secretary or treasurer, and accepting special assignments including invoicing, updating the website, preparing conference materials, etc.
- Being prepared to participate fully in all meetings.
- Keeping up to date on public pension issues and communication trends.

Selecting a Board Member
When a vacancy on the board is anticipated, as will generally be the case every two years, the board announces the vacancy and solicits letters of interest from the membership. The criteria the board considers when reviewing candidates include:
- Does the candidate have the support of his/her system and executive director, and the assurance that he/she will be granted administrative leave to participate in board meetings? In addition, does the candidate’s system agree to pay for attendance at the annual conference?
- Will the candidate commit to expend both work and personal time necessary to attend meetings and to accomplish the goals of the organization?
- Board meetings require travel and time away from home and work, and are generally held over a four-day period, which includes a Saturday and Sunday. Since NPEA does not have an office or full-time staff to accomplish needed tasks, the board members and the part-time administrator divide assignments and rely on each other to provide finished products in a timely manner.
- Is the candidate’s system a supporter of NPEA, and do they regularly send participants to the annual conference?
- Has the candidate actively participated in previous annual conferences?
- Are the mission and goals of NPEA consistent with those of the candidate’s system?
- Does their system recognize the importance of quality retirement education and communications?
- What does the candidate hope to accomplish while serving on the board?
- What experience, skills and accomplishments would the candidate bring to the board?
The information submitted by the candidates is evaluated by the board’s nominating committee. The nominating committee may conduct interviews and will make a recommendation that is voted on by the full board. Candidates are elected by the full membership at the annual business meeting, which is held at the annual conference.