
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Understanding the Importance of Nonverbal Communication During Every Conversation

Jan Hargrave

Session Description:

It’s a scientific fact that a person’s body gestures give away his true intentions. Actually, over ninety percent of all face-to-face communication is nonverbal; thus, the silent messages of the body often reveal more about the spoken word in conveying true feelings and attitudes. Jan Hargrave, behavioral authority on nonverbal communication and author of Let Me See Your Body Talk, Freeway of Love, Judge the Jury, Strictly Business Body Language, and Poker Face, helps you improve your communication skills by learning how to: 

  • Master the art of making a positive first impression during the initial 7 seconds of meeting someone. 
  • Read your counterparts’ body language and identify how your own gestures and expressions support or sabotage your bargaining position. 
  • Add more effective gestures, postures, and expressions to your leadership repertoire to express your ideas in a positive, professional manner. 
  • Build stronger relationships and quickly establish rapport through utilizing the body language of trust, inclusion, and warmth. 
  • Channel your gender’s natural body language inclinations for improved leadership results. 
  • Detect the specific gestures and “micro-expressions” of deception and secretiveness. 
  • Identify which nonverbal signals project confidence and sincerity during virtual conversations and in interactions with various generations of workers to achieve your business goals. 

Clear, practical, interactive, and fun, this seminar offers a wealth of detailed information concerning effective communication and the “hidden messages” of those around you as well as yourself. Jan Hargrave’s fascinating presentation gives you the advantages you need to make in-depth character assessments, as well as an increased ability to develop ethical nonverbal behaviors in all professional relationships. Knowledge of this information can spell the difference between success or failure in every encounter. 

Jan Hargrave

Jan Hargrave